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Treatment with Monolithic Zirconium

Zirconium prostheses are one of the most preferred methods in dentistry. As a result of the studies carried out on these prostheses in recent years, more innovative materials such as monolithic zirconium are presented. Thanks to innovative materials, the life of dental prostheses is extended, their durability increases, and the dentist's application becomes easier. Dentist Burak Bayındır offers innovative treatments such as monolithic zirconium to his patients.

What is Monolithic Zirconium?

With monolithic zirconium method, prostheses can be more durable and stronger without the need for zirconium porcelain powders. At the same time, these prostheses have less light transmittance. Thus, the prosthesis becomes more covering. It is an ideal method for dramatic color change.

How Is Treatment with Monolithic Zirconium?

Treatment with monolithic zirconium is similar to the treatment of conventional zirconium prostheses. Steps applied for this new generation treatment can be listed as follows:

  • If the patient has other tooth and gum problems before the prosthesis treatment, this problem is treated. Otherwise, the desired result may not be obtained from the prosthesis treatment.
  • In the next step, monolithic zirconium, the teeth to be which monolithic zirconium will be applied are measured. After the impression of teeth is taken, these teeth must be specially produced.
  • After the teeth are produced, the dentist rehearses with the patient and evaluates the adaptation, shape and aesthetics of the application.
  • In the next step, the prostheses are cemented to the related teeth.

Advantages of Treatment with Monolithic Zirconium

Monolithic zirconium prostheses are applied as a single piece. This significantly increases the durability of the prosthesis. Conditions such as breakage or cracking that may occur in prostheses are prevented.