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Orthodontics with Transparent Plaques

Orthodontics with Transparent Plates

Traditionally, braces are used to correct crooked teeth. However, braces can lead to unaesthetic appearances and cause problems such as social phobia in people. In recent years, there have been many new developments in the field of orthodontic treatment. Orthodontics with clear aligners is among these developments.

What is Transparent Plaque?

Transparent plaques are a treatment method used to correct crooked teeth. In fact, this method has emerged as an alternative to traditional braces treatment. In this treatment method, specially prepared transparent plaques are used instead of braces. Transparent plaques attract less attention when viewed from the outside. Therefore, they do not create an aesthetically negative situation. However, in the treatment of clear plaque, the dentist and the patient should work together. Because these plaques are not fixed like braces. The patient needs to use the plates regularly.

Orthodontics with Transparent Plates

Orthodontics with transparent aligners is used in the treatment of crooked teeth without causing an aesthetically bad appearance. Your dentist will determine if you are a good candidate for clear aligners. These plates are generally preferred in patients with milder dental problems. A more comprehensive treatment plan should be made for patients with severe tooth decay.
Treatment with transparent plates takes place as follows. Considering the patient's existing teeth, special transparent plaques are prepared according to the smoothness of the teeth. These plates should be replaced with new plates every 10-15 days. The patient uses these plates throughout the day. Then, if the desired improvement is achieved, the treatment continues with the next plate. Plates are changed until the teeth are in the desired order. Approximately 20 plates are used throughout the treatment.

What Advantages Do Transparent Plates Offer?

One of the most important advantages of transparent aligners is the elimination of the unaesthetic appearance caused by the braces. Thus, the situation of experiencing social phobia due to the wire is eliminated. At the same time, orthodontics with clear aligners can be applied to both young people and adults. Adults who are not satisfied with their teeth but do not want to wear braces can easily benefit from this treatment.